Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thanks to Social Networking websites we have no face to face interaction.

Interaction is a part of our daily life, either face to face or by some networking websites. Facebook, orkut, Myspace are some of the names in social networking area that needs no introduction. Most of these sites are attractive in design, easy to use, and are aimed at connecting people around the globe grabbing more and more users like us. Their huge success speaks for their addiction as more and more people are joining everyday. Even it surprised google also as Facebook is the most visited site over the internet. These sites have become addiction due to some of their features like chat, games etc. which demands more and more time of the user and hence user becomes an introvert though he may seem to be an extrovert with 100’s of friends in the list including those with whom he never had any face to face interaction.

These networking websites have some benefits and some losses too. Benefits for those who are in a long distance relationship, for those who serve their community people instead of meeting personally.  And losses like the person on the other side can easily fabricate the information he/she is supplying, so we can never judge the person is pretending to be real or fake. Though these network giants help people to get instant access to friends and relatives and make their web presence but it is also deteriorating their social life.

As popular quote says “Excess of everything is bad”. Yes social networking websites are a boon to the society if they are used within limits else they may make a person socially insocial.

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