Sunday, February 13, 2011

HP TouchPad Tablet Promises Superb Multitasking Performance

HP TouchPad
Finally, the unveiling of one of the most awaited tablets has occurred. The HP TouchPad tablet was announced in an event held on Wednesday in San Francisco. First impressions by those who were lucky enough to play with the device were mostly positive. The HP TouchPad succeeds in delivering superb interface and animations on the 1024 x 768 display. This is made possible because of the intuitive webOS.
So far, among the notable features in the TouchPad’s performance is the stacked notification. If an update comes, it immediately appears on the upper right portion of the screen, so the user can immediately check it out even if he’s in the middle of something in the Tablet.
Aside from that, it also allows panel-like viewing to see all the accounts. Scrolling through the panels is possible as well. Stacking is another great feature to help minimize space. The user can break down the stack as he pleases.
The virtual keyboard is another great feature because its size can be changed to small or large, depending on the user’s preference. The HP TouchPad tablet also connects easily and conveniently to the user’s web photos.
Users can also go into gaming while doing other things in the TouchPad. Game can be passed in the background while writing email or dealing with notifications.
So far HP TouchPad tablet promises great multitasking performance with its webOS and dual-core Snapdragon processor.

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